Stair Nosings &
Stair Nosings
Complete your staircase with seamlessly matched custom stair nosings made directly from your flooring.
Nosings built from vinyl or laminate plank flooring can be manufactured in flush or overlap style, either using a single plank length or joining multiple planks for extra-wide steps or rail edge nosings.
Nosings built from hardwood plank flooring are only available in flush style but can also be jointed using multiple planks for extra-wide steps or rail edge nosings.
For floating treads on open-riser staircases, see also: Floating Stair Treads & U-Shaped Nosings
Hardwood Flush Nosing Laminate Flush Nosing Vinyl Flush Nosing
Ordering Considerations
Nosings can be fabricated to keep either the Groove (standard) or the Tongue (reverse). We keep the Groove on all nosings unless otherwise specified, but it is essential to check before ordering. If the flooring plank that attaches to the back of the nosing has the Tongue side facing out towards the nosing, then the nosing must retain the Groove to properly connect, and vice versa.
For the top step nosing on a floating upper floor, we recommend using overlap laminate and vinyl nosings. The overlap allows for floor expansion and contraction without causing damage. Overlap hardwood nosings are not necessary.
Jointed nosings are available in lengths up to 18 feet long (material dependent). Jointed nosings are commonly known as Rail Edge nosings when installed along the edge of a stairwell opening where the upper-floor handrail is located, but they can also be used on wide steps, such as those leading down into a sunken living room, or for capping off the edge of ledges, walkways, and raised stages. Top face joint locations can be specified if desired.
Left-Hand and Right-Hand Finished Ends are available with all nosings to accommodate stairs that require mitred returns (i.e. if your stairs are open on one or both sides). Left-hand and right-hand is determined when viewing the staircase from the bottom step looking up. When ordering, ensure to add at least 16” of nosing length per return.
Consider ordering L-Trim to cap open risers when ordering nosings with mitred returns.
Material Requirements
One plank per nosing if material is 6.5” or wider.
One-and-a-half planks per nosing if material is less than 6.5” wide, unless a very small nosing top face is desired.
When ordering full tread depth Left-Hand or Right-Hand Mitred Returns, add minimum 16” to your ordered nosing length and include the appropriate LH or RH Finished End specification. This is determined when standing at the bottom of the staircase looking up.